The Obstacle Is The Way

The Obstacle is the Way is a book by Ryan Holiday that explores the philosophy of stoicism and how it can be applied to modern life. The main theme of the book is the idea that obstacles and challenges in life can be turned into opportunities for growth and success.

The book begins by explaining the philosophy of stoicism, which is based on the idea that we should focus on what we can control and let go of what we cannot. This means accepting what happens and making the most of it, rather than getting upset or frustrated by things that are beyond our control.

The book then goes on to explore how this philosophy can be applied to various aspects of life, including work, relationships, and personal development. It offers practical advice on how to turn obstacles into opportunities, including tips on how to stay focused and motivated when faced with challenges, and how to develop the resilience and mental toughness needed to overcome them.

Throughout the book, Holiday uses examples from history and literature to illustrate the principles of stoicism and how they can be applied to real-life situations. He also shares his own experiences and challenges, and how he has used the philosophy of stoicism to overcome them.

Overall, The Obstacle is the Way is a thought-provoking and inspiring book that encourages readers to embrace obstacles and challenges as opportunities for growth and success.

Jeff Thibodeau

Jeff Thibodeau is a business performance coach, industry trainer, and motivational speaker. He has over 15 years experience in the real estate industry and 10 years in the market research industry. Jeff teaches sales skills, how to develop systems and processes for teams and brokerages, as well as mindset and mental toughness.

Jeff is married with has two boys who he spends time with outside of work. When he's not working or spending time with his family, Jeff enjoys rock climbing and hiking.

Permission To Feel


The Unbeatable Mind